
Developments in the financial markets means that as an Institute we increasingly rely on donations for our work. Only thanks to continuous donations from, for example, the Evangelical Lutheran churches in Germany, Finland, and Norway can we hold events such as the International Summer Seminar. The study course „Studying Ecumenism in Strasbourg,“ which we offered for the first time this year, would not have been possible without the financial support generously given by the Fondation Oecuménique Oscar Cullmann in Basel (Switzerland) and the Protestant Church in Württemberg. But also visitors to the Institute have repeatedly presented us with donations both small and large. Every donation helps us a lot. We wish to offer our most sincere thanks to all donors!

Photo: Pr. Kornelius Gölz, parish council chairman Friederike Wagner, and Roman Catholic deacon Martin Jablonsky presented Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wasmuth with a donation of 507 euros for the Ecumenical Institute in Strasbourg. The money comes from the proceeds of the ecumenical community festival in Diersburg, Germany.



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