The Harding Meyer Prize in Ecumenism is awarded again in 2024. Harding Meyer (1928-2018) was one of the most important figures in the recent global ecumenical movement. As a thought leader and pioneer, he opened up and broke new ground. Many recent developments in global inter-church relations can be traced back to him. In order to honor his legacy and also to promote the continuation of his impulses and visions, the Foundation for Ecumenical Research of the Lutheran World Federation established a Harding Meyer Ecumenical Prize in 2020. This is awarded every two years and amounts to 3000 Euros.

The winner in 2024 is the German Protestant theologian Dr. Elisabeth Maikranz, whose monograph Tradition und Schrift. Eine Verhältnisbestimmung bei Wolfhart Pannenberg und Walter Kasper was published by Mohr Siebeck in 2023.
Since the 16th century, the topic of “Scripture and tradition” has played a prominent role in the Lutheran/Roman Catholic controverses. Behind this controversial theological topic lies the conflict over the authority of the church and within the church. The ecumenical dialog conducted in recent decades has been able to contribute to an understanding on questions of scripture, scriptural interpretation and the magisterium. Nevertheless, questions remain open on the subject of "Scripture and tradition". Elisabeth Maikranz's dissertation "Tradition and Scripture", written under the supervision of Friederike Nüssel in Heidelberg, aims to indicate from its title that a solution to the controversial questions could appear possible by reversing the classical definition of the relationship. The dissertation, which takes a work-historical and systematizing approach, deals primarily with the two theologians Wolfhart Pannenberg and Walter Kasper, who have played a prominent role both for their respective churches and for the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue. The dissertation examines the respective theologies and their specific questions about Scripture and tradition in great detail and thoroughly in order to look for solutions. Hardly any of the theological topics relevant to the research question are omitted. The reader is provided with a wealth of information about the respective theologians and their ideas on the chosen topic. This dissertation which compares the works of two theologians is a very readable and comprehensible treatise. An outstanding dissertation that deserves high praise for its precision, comprehensive perspective and ecumenical suggestions.