The Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg stands for innovative research work and a vivid culture of dialogue on a Lutheran basis in the responsibility for Christian unity and in close cooperation with LWF. (Mission-Statement)
Rev. Prof. Dr. Dirk G. Lange
Acting Director
Sylvie Speckel
Dr. Frank Zeeb
Prof. Dr. Matthieu Arnold
Adjunct Professor
Prof. Dr. André Birmelé
Senior Research Professor
Prof. Dr. Theodor Dieter
Senior Research Professor
Dr. Oliver Schuegraf
Ecumenical Advisor
Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson
Visiting Adjunct Professor
Prof. Dr. Kenneth Appold
Former Research Professor
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Parmentier
Former Research Professor
Prof. Dr. Risto Saarinen
Former Research Professor
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wasmuth
Former Research Professor