Harding Meyer had a decisive influence on the international Lutheran-Catholic dialogue. Many methodological approaches of contemporary ecumenism can be traced back to him ("reconciled diversity," "differentiating consensus," etc.).
In order to continue to promote his ecumenical approaches, Harding Meyer's widow, Dagmar zur Nedden, in collaboration with the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, has sponsored the Harding Meyer Prize in Ecumenism. Awarded for the first time in 2020, the prize is given every two years and has a value of 3000 EUR.
For the 2022 prize, seven outstanding papers were submitted by applicants from different countries and different Christian traditions. The jury awarded the work of Anglican theologian Dr Paul Avis.

Paul Avis' latest book (“Reconciling Theology”, London 2022) continues the methodology developed by Harding Meyer. It highlights the important work of the dialogues, which have led to significant progress in recent years. The book's focus is on mutual recognition as the church of Jesus Christ and reconciled diversity. It extends the approach Harding Meyer has applied primarily to Lutheran-Catholic dialogue to the other Christian families, especially the Anglican tradition.
The next award will be in 2024. Applications may be submitted from October 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.
Instructions for application: work to be submitted, CV and letter of application by email as PDF files (publications already available also by mail) and should be addressed to the Institute for Ecumenical Research, 8 rue Gustave-Klotz, F - 67000 Strasbourg (strasecum@ecumenical-institute.org ; keyword: Harding Meyer Prize in Ecumenism).