48th International Ecumenical Seminar

Non-denominational and Trans-confessional Movements

July 2 – 9, 2014, in Strasbourg, France

Over the last hundred years, innumerable new Christian congregations, churches, and movements have come into being throughout the world. Widely divergent in size and character, they exist both in and outside of the historic churches. As a result of globalization and worldwide migration, this ecclesial trend has grown massively. With it, the face of global Christianity has been profoundly altered. Many of these congregations and churches have deliberately distanced themselves from the ecumenical movement or have even denounced it, while others have been engaged in it. New alliances and affinities have evolved, oriented toward a common understanding of Scripture, particular shared ethical convictions, or specific common forms and styles of piety.

[singlepic id=65 w=320 h=240 float=none]In this year’s Summer Seminar, aspects of this situation will be taken up and discussed through case studies, reports from representatives of these congregations and churches, and theological analysis. We will not merely talk about such churches in this Seminar, but rather with them, striving to understand them better. How is Christian discipleship understood in these communities? How do they see their relationship to other Christian communities, including the historic churches? How is the understanding of the church as the body of Christ expressed in their communities? Which models of the unity of the church are implicitly or explicitly at work among them?

Emphases of this Seminar will be: the Evangelical movement both within and outside of the historic churches; the Pentecostal movement alongside the charismatic revival within the historic churches; the so-called megachurches; communities whose focus is the prosperity gospel; and finally ethnic churches abroad, for example the Malagasy and Romanian churches in Strasbourg.

The Seminar is not restricted to theological debates, though. Just as important is the personal conversation among participants, their sharing of ecumenical and confessional experiences, their questions and attention. Precisely because the participants come from many different churches and nations is this exchange so especially exciting and illuminating. Therefore, plenty of time is offered in the plenary and working groups for such discussion. Not planned in advance but for this reason all the more important are the many conversations that take place over superb French food in the dining hall or over a glass of wine in one of the restaurants of the old medieval city of Strasbourg.

Languages:  English and German are the main languages of the Seminar.  Lectures and discussions will be simultaneously translated into and out of these languages.  Participants may also express themselves in French in the plenary discussions.

Costs:  The charge for the seminar, including full pension (i.e., room and meals) in a seminary dormitory (single rooms), is € 700.  Financial support is often provided by churches or other institutions, so participants are encouraged to apply to their appropriate church offices.

As last year, a smaller part of this amount will be used to assist some participants from Eastern Europe, the South and from Latin America, persons who likely would not be able to participate without our help.

Dates:  July 2 (arrival and evening reception) to July 9 (departures after breakfast), 2014, in Strasbourg, France.

Information:  Inquiries by email should be directed either to Prof. Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson or Elke Leypold:  StrasEcum@ecumenical-institute.org

Download Flyer: Flyer-Seminar-e-2014


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André Birmelé: Introduction /Einleitung (in French and in German)

Kate Bowler: A History of the Prosperity Gospel

Timothy George: American Evangelicals and Christian Unity_ The Case of ECT

Thomas Schirrmacher: Evangelicals in the Global Ecumenical Momement

Wolfgang Thönissen: Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and New Christian Communities in Roman Catholic Perspective

Vasile Iorgulescu: The Romanian Orthodox Church in Strasbourg

Bio Terrence: West African Pentecostalism in Strasbourg

Zaka Habberstad: Malagasy Congregations in Strasbourg

Andy Buckler: “Fresh Expressions” and the Church of England

Adam Strojny:The Charismatic Movement and the Ecumenical Community of the Chemin Neuf

Friedrich Degenhardt: Präsentation Degenhardt Straßburg 2014

Hubert van Beek: The Global Christian Forum

Jean-Daniel Plüss:Pentecostalism and Ecumenism of the Spirit

Ephraim Radner: Historic Churches and New Christian Communities_ Looking for Ecclesial Accountability in a Changing Religious Landscape




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