At this important event in ecumenism - which took place for only the third time in Europe and for the first time in Germany - the Institute was also represented. Together with the partner institutes in Bensheim (Konfessionskundliches Institut) and Paderborn (Johann-Adam-Möhler-Institut) we prepared several workshops and events in the so-called well program (internal area for the participants and delegates) and encounter program (open for all interested people). Furthermore, the Institute had the opportunity to present itself at "GETI goes Public" - the public closing event of the study program "Global Ecumenical Theological Institute".

The excursion, in which about 25 participants of the Assembly came to Strasbourg was a particularly exciting experience for the Institute. The morning was devoted to meeting the Strasbourg parish of St. Aurélie, where Martin Bucer worked from about 1524, and to visiting the impressive church of St. Thomas, the central Lutheran church in Strasbourg and Alsace. After a typical Alsatian lunch and a short perception of the historic city center, especially of the pictorial program of the west façade of the cathedral, the excursion participants were guests at the Institute, where topics of current ecumenical discussion were discussed over a cup of coffee.