In 2021, Prof. Theodor Dieter, long-standing research professor and director of the Institute and architect of most Lutheran ecumenical dialogues, celebrated his 70th birthday. To mark the occasion, a symposium in his honour was held at the Institute under the title "Ecumenical Challenges of Luther Research". Renowned researchers from various countries were guests in Strasbourg from 22-25 March 2022 or took part in the conference online. The papers presented, some of which slightly revised for printing, and the greeting addresses offered at the anniversary ceremony have now been published as a commemorative publication:
"Ökumenische Herausforderungen der Lutherforschung", edited by Jennifer Wasmuth / Frank Zeeb on behalf of the Institute for Ecumenical Research, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2024 (ISBN 978-3374075928, 252 pages, 68 €)

From the preface:
"Theodor Dieter served for several decades as a research professor and director at the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg and had a significant influence on the work of the institute during this time. In the knowledge that his 70th birthday was approaching, the Institute had various ideas about how his life and work could be appropriately honoured. With regard to the choice of topic, it quickly became clear that it had to be a combination of what still distinguishes him today as a researcher and what is decisive for his commitment to the church: pioneering contributions in the field of Luther research on the one hand, and intensive participation in various ecumenical dialogues on the other. The overarching theme emerged naturally from these two focal points and led to the title: ‘Ecumenical Challenges of Luther Research’.
The best way to explore this topic was to organise an event that not only aimed to present the latest academic findings, but also allowed for lively discussion and debate - just as Theodor Dieter, as a meticulous source researcher, was always keen to engage in a lively exchange with other researchers. A symposium was therefore chosen as the form of the event, the contributions to which have now been published in this anthology, some of which have been slightly revised.
The symposium was originally planned for the anniversary year 2021 and was to take place at Château Klingenthal, which had already proven itself many times as a conference venue. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it had to be postponed and finally took place from 22-25 March 2022 - no longer at Château Klingenthal, but as a hybrid event on the premises of the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg. However, this did not detract from the symposium as a whole; the highly stimulating presentations held here were always followed by a lively discussion. …
With this commemorative publication, we would like to thank Theodor Dieter, from whom we ourselves have also received many important impulses both with regard to more recent developments in Luther research and a deeper understanding of ecumenism, and wish him God's blessing for his further life."
Link to the table of contents: here