„A Call to Pan-Orthodox Unity“

Under the motto “A Call to Pan-Orthodox Unity,” the first conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) took place in Iaşi, Romania, from 9 to 12 January, 2019. More than 300 speakers from 35 countries were invited to give lectures in 70 assorted sessions as part of this Association, which was founded only in 2017.

At the center of many of the discussions was the conflict in Ukraine and its consequences for worldwide Orthodoxy. Within the framework of the conference, however, the topics did not deal only with the analysis of the situation as it is. Much more time was devoted to the foundational historical and theological presuppositions of the conflict and possibilities to overcome it.

In a session of the Ecclesiology Group on the theme of “Critical Ecclesiology,” Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wasmuth of the Institute gave a lecture on “New Orthodox Ecclesiological Approaches in an Ecumenical Perspective.” Different approaches to Orthodox ecclesiology were presented there and discussed with regard to their potential for solving intra-Orthodox conflicts as well as to how they could contribute to greater ecumenical understanding.

More information about IOTA can be found at: https://iota-web.org/

Photo: IOTA


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