Ecumenical Advisory Board of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (21–22 May 2019)
On 21–22 May 2019, the constituting meeting of the newly assembled Ecumenical Advisory Board took place in Vienna.
On 21–22 May 2019, the constituting meeting of the newly assembled Ecumenical Advisory Board took place in Vienna.
The theme of this year’s International Ecumenical Summer Seminar, which was organized by the Institute of Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg from 3 to 10 July, was: “Doctrine divides—Spirituality unites?”
Seminar 2019: Doctrine divides – Spirituality unites? Mehr lesen »
From the 25th to the 18th of March, representatives of five Christian World Communions gathered at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana (USA): the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran World Federation, the Methodist World Conference, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and the Anglican Communion.
Prof. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, who served on the staff of the Institute from 2008 to 2016 and now works with the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tokyo, has just launched a new theology podcast.
The Institute’s Visiting Professor Sarah Hinlicky Wilson Launches a Theology Podcast Mehr lesen »
From the 3rd to the 5th of May the Executive Committee of the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria met at the Strasbourg Institute, comprised of 14 synodal representatives under the leadership of President Dr. Annekathrin Preidel.
Executive Committee of the Bavarian Synod at the Institute Mehr lesen »
For years now the Institute has worked with the ecumenical community of Chemin Neuf. This originally charismatic Catholic movement has come to include members of a whole range of Christian denominations and is present now on all continents. The Institute’s Prof. André Birmelé has been a particularly invited Protestant theologian to accompany the community in
Cooperation with the „Chemin Neuf“ Mehr lesen »
Shortly before Easter, on 11-13 April 2019, the Board of the Institute for Ecumenical Research met and discussed at length a number of issues pertaining to the Institute’s work and personnel.
Conference and Discussion on “Orthodoxy in Ukraine: A Far-Reaching Conflict?” In early April at a conference hosted by the Protestant Academy in Loccum, Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wasmuth of the Institute presented a short lecture in which she sketched out the historical situation of the church in Ukraine today. Orthodox priest Bohdan Ogulchanskyi of the Open
Conference on „Where Are you Heading, Ukraine?“ Mehr lesen »
On the occasion of the seventieth birthday of André Birmelé, the Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses—the journal of the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Strasbourg, of which Birmelé was Dean from 2001 to 2006 and where he taught until 2014—has dedicated in issue in his honor.
Hommage à André Birmelé Mehr lesen »
The Strasbourg Institute welcomed the Bishops’ Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland on March 25–28 under the leadership of Archbishop Dr. Tapio Luoma. The Finnish guests, counting among them Board Member Bishop Dr. Matti Repo, were greeted on the evening of the 25th with a reception at the Institute, at which among other
The Finnish Bishops’ Conference at the Strasbourg Institute Mehr lesen »