
The 2017 Ratzinger Prize Awarded to Theodor Dieter

At the Vatican on November 18, 2017, Prof. Theodor Dieter received the Ratzinger Prize from Pope Francis in recognition of his contributions toward the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. The previous day the three award recipients (the Catholic theologian Prof. Karl-Heinz Menke from Bonn and Eastern Orthodox composer Arvo Pärt from Estonia) had […]

The 2017 Ratzinger Prize Awarded to Theodor Dieter Mehr lesen »

Second Meeting of the Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue

Following on its first meeting in the Philippines last year, in September 2017 the teams of the international Lutheran-Pentecostal dialogue met in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, a location chosen for the historic significance of the year. As with the annual Studying Luther in Wittenberg seminar, the meeting took place at the Colleg Wittenberg, a short distance from

Second Meeting of the Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue Mehr lesen »

An Honorary Doctorate from Erfurt for Prof. Dieter

The Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Erfurt bestowed on Dr. Theodor Dieter of the Institute an honorary doctorate on January 24, 2017, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This honorary doctorate in Catholic Theology (Dr. theol. h.c.) was given “in recognition of his contributions to research into Martin Luther’s theology in

An Honorary Doctorate from Erfurt for Prof. Dieter Mehr lesen »

Lecturing on Luther in Taiwan

It is always a matter of surprise and joy how enthusiastically Luther’s theology is received outside of his European homeland. At the end of April, Prof. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson offered a three-day conference at China Evangelical Seminary in Taipei, Taiwan, on the topic “Reconsidering Martin Luther for the 2017 Reformation Anniversary: Theological Insights and Ecumenical

Lecturing on Luther in Taiwan Mehr lesen »

Ecumenical Training for Interreligious Contexts: A Seminar for 13 Pastors from the Gambia

From 9 to 13 January, the Institute in Strasbourg hosted a group of 13 pastors from the Gambia, a small country in west Africa. The pastors came as representatives of 7 of the denominations belonging to the Gambia Christian Council: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, and Assemblies of God. Already having basically positive

Ecumenical Training for Interreligious Contexts: A Seminar for 13 Pastors from the Gambia Mehr lesen »

The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe Meeting at the Institute

From 23 to 25 October, the working group on “Church Fellowship” of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) met at the Institute. The close cooperation of the Institute with the CPCE has been in existence for more than 40 years. The Institute was the place where, in 1972, the Leuenberg Agreement was worked

The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe Meeting at the Institute Mehr lesen »

History of the Ecumenical Movement: A Joint Project with the University of Bologna

The Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII (Foundation for Religious Sciences John XXIII, FSCIRE) of the University of Bologna is best known for its work in ecumenical circles. It has published already more than 20 years ago a history of the Second Vatican Council under the direction of G. Alberigo. The publication of a

History of the Ecumenical Movement: A Joint Project with the University of Bologna Mehr lesen »

Reformation Heritage Lectures at Beeson Divinity School

On October 27, 28, and 29, Prof. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson of the Institute presented the annual Reformation Heritage Lectures at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama. Founded only twenty-five years ago and guided during all this time by the ecumenical vision of Dean Timothy George, a Baptist minister and theologian, Beeson seeks to ground its

Reformation Heritage Lectures at Beeson Divinity School Mehr lesen »


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