
50th International Ecumenical Seminar 2016

50 Years of International Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue: Assessment and Outlook Strasbourg, July 4-11, 2016 [singlepic id=485 w=320 h=240 float=left]50 years ago, in the summer of 1966, the Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity decided to begin an official theological dialogue. Shortly before the end of the Second Vatican council, a […]

50th International Ecumenical Seminar 2016 Mehr lesen »

First Meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Theological Fellowship

The first gathering of the St. Athanasius Lutheran-Orthodox Theological Fellowship took place at the Centre St. Thomas in Strasbourg, France, from March 25 to 29, 2015. The Fellowship is a new initiative of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in Volos, Greece, and the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg. The Fellowship was founded in

First Meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Theological Fellowship Mehr lesen »


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