Joint Seminar with Institute and Catholic Faculty in Strasbourg

The Institute hosted a seminar with Prof. M. Denken (Catholic Theological Faculty) and Prof. T. Dieter (Institute for Ecumenical Research) for master’s degree students of both the Catholic and Protestant theological faculties of the University of Strasbourg in the library on September 25, 2015. As the university catalogue describes it:

“Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue: Malta, the Joint Declaration, and From Conflict to Communion. This seminar deals with the study of ecumenical dialogue working from the Lutheran-Catholic example. From Vatican II and its decree Unitatis Redintegratio to the recent From Conflict to Communion written in view of the Luther anniversary in 2017, interconfessional dialogue has permitted churches to revisit their histories, to grapple with ecumenical concerns, to consider what makes for consensus, and to apprehend with courage and clarity what still divides them. This chronological presentation offered by two voices, one a Catholic professor and the other a Protestant theologian specializing in ecumenical dialogue, will be followed in the second semester by a systematic study of number of themes raised by this dialogue such as the church, the sacraments, and in particular the order of ministry and the eucharist.”


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