News from the Institute for Ecumenical Research

„The angel of the Lord touched Elijah and said, ‚Get up and eat! For you have a long way to go.“ (I Kings 19:7)
(Monthly verse for July 2020 from the Ecumenical Bible Reading)

We hope that you are well and have been able to stay healthy through the time of the corona epidemic so far!

Since the strict exit restrictions in Strasbourg have been relaxed and it has become possible again to cross the German-French border without any problems, we have again opened the Institute. Slowly our daily work routine resumes.

The time in the home office was well used for our various research projects. Nevertheless, the corona epidemic has also confronted us with new questions. They concern in particular the digital age and the many new forms of church internet presence that have been observed in recent weeks and months. How can these be classified theologically? What do they mean ecumenically?

We have once again come to appreciate the technical achievements which, even in these times, have allowed us to keep channels of communication open and stay in touch over long distances. We therefore want to make better use of these possibilities for our seminars and plan to offer online courses in the near future.

However, these cannot be a substitute for personal contact. We therefore regret that the planned 54th International Summer Seminar could not take place this year, but we look forward all the more to the International Summer Seminar next year. The date has already been set: It will take place from 6 to 12 July 2021, and the theme will be: „Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue – Similarities and Differences“. You will find further information on our homepage in fall.

With all good wishes – stay safe!

On behalf of the whole team,


Jennifer Wasmuth


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