
Seminar with Pastors from Lippe

From August 31 to September 4, twenty Lutheran pastors from the German region of Lippe, under the leadership of Superintendent Andreas Lange, visited the Institute for a continuing education seminar. Prof. Birmelé of the Institute gave an introductory lecture on “Being Protestant in France and Alsace.” Prof. Dieter offered an overview of the work of […]

Seminar with Pastors from Lippe Mehr lesen »

Study Guide for „From Conflict to Communion“

In 2013, the international Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue released its groundbreaking study, „From Conflict to Communion.“ It assessed how Lutherans and Catholics could jointly commemorate the Reformation’s beginnings during the anniversary year of 2017, with appropriate elements of both repentance and celebration. Like many such ecumenical statements, it assumes a high level of familiarity with both

Study Guide for „From Conflict to Communion“ Mehr lesen »

Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue Meeting in Rhodes

The 16th Plenary of the International Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission met from April 28 to May 5 in Rhodes, Greece, continuing a tradition of meeting that has taken place annually without interruption since 1981. Unusually, this plenary followed upon three preparatory meetings—normally there is only one preparatory between each plenary—due to the extremely complex topic at hand,

Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue Meeting in Rhodes Mehr lesen »

Das Institut feiert sein 50jähriges Jubiläum

Mit einem ganztägigen Fest hat das Institut am 22. April 2015 fünf Jahrzehnte seines Dienstes für den Lutherischen Weltbund und die ökumenische Bewegung gefeiert. Zum Programm gehörten Grußworte und Vorträge von Vertretern aus vielen Christlichen Weltgemeinschaften und aus der Familie des Lutherischen Weltbunds, unterbrochen von Musikstücken für Violine und Klavier. Höhepunkt war ein Gottesdienst in

Das Institut feiert sein 50jähriges Jubiläum Mehr lesen »

First Meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Theological Fellowship

The first gathering of the St. Athanasius Lutheran-Orthodox Theological Fellowship took place at the Centre St. Thomas in Strasbourg, France, from March 25 to 29, 2015. The Fellowship is a new initiative of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in Volos, Greece, and the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg. The Fellowship was founded in

First Meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Theological Fellowship Mehr lesen »

The Luther Reading Challenge

Since 2009, members of the Institute staff have taught the two-week Studying Luther in Wittenberg program every November, which gathers Lutheran pastors from all over the world. It has been an eye-opening and inspiring experience to see how the writings of a sixteenth-century reformer can still speak so powerfully to people half a millennium later—and

The Luther Reading Challenge Mehr lesen »

Studying Luther in Wittenberg 2014

[singlepic id=367 w=320 h=240 float=left]Profs. Dieter and Wilson led the 10th seminar hosted by the LWF Center in Wittenberg on Luther’s theology, November 8–22, 2014. Our 20 participants came from every corner of the globe, representing the nations of Australia, Botswana, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, the Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria, South

Studying Luther in Wittenberg 2014 Mehr lesen »


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