
Studying Luther in Wittenberg 2016

Zum achten Mal hielten die Professoren Dieter und Wilson vom Institut für Ökumenische Forschung im November das zweiwöchige Seminar „Studying Luther in Wittenberg“. Zwanzig Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus Kamerun, Äthiopien, Gambia, Indien, Indonesien, Kenia, Madagaskar, Papua Neuguinea, den Philippinen, Polen, Rwanda, Südafrika, Taiwan, Tansania, den Vereinigten Staaten und Zimbabwe nahmen daran teil.

Studying Luther in Wittenberg 2016 Mehr lesen »

Studying Luther in Wittenberg 2016

For the eighth year running, Profs. Dieter and Wilson of the Institute taught the two-week Studying Luther in Wittenberg seminar this November. They were joined by twenty participants coming from Cameroon, Ethiopia, the Gambia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Poland, Rwanda, South Africa, Taiwan, Tanzania, the United States, and Zimbabwe.

Studying Luther in Wittenberg 2016 Mehr lesen »

First Meeting of the International Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue

In September the very first gathering of the new International Lutheran-Pentecostal dialogue took place at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio City in the Philippines, with the Institute’s adjunct professor Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, author of A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans, serving as consultant. Although this was the first formal meeting, the dialogue has

First Meeting of the International Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue Mehr lesen »

Erste Sitzung des internationalen lutherisch/pentekostalen Dialogs

Im September 2016 fand das erste Treffen des neuen Internationalen lutherisch/pentekostalen Dialogs im Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio City in den Philippinen statt. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, Assistenzprofessorin des Instituts, und Verfasserin von A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans hat an diesem Dialog als Beraterin teilgenommen. Obwohl es sich um die erste formelle Sitzung

Erste Sitzung des internationalen lutherisch/pentekostalen Dialogs Mehr lesen »

Colloquium on Lutheran Identity

Twenty Lutheran theologians gathered at the Château Klingenthal outside of Strasbourg in mid-September for a colloquium on questions of Lutheran identity. The Institute is planning to a release a series of „theses“ on Lutheran identity in 2017 as a contribution to the Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation, which will take place in Windhoek, Namibia,

Colloquium on Lutheran Identity Mehr lesen »

A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans

Das Institut freut sich, das neue Buch von adjunct professor Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson ankündigen zu können: Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans. Die Vorgeschichte des Buches begann, als Wilson 2008 an einer Tagung des „Proto-Dialogs“ zwischen Lutheranern und Pentekostalen in Zürich teilnahm. Das Institut für Ökumenische Forschung hat diesen Dialog sechs Jahre lang geführt.

A Guide to Pentecostal Movements for Lutherans Mehr lesen »

Summer Seminar 2016: Fifty Years of Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue

Fifty years ago, at a meeting of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) which took place at the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, a commission was formed to foster the relationship between the the two churches. With that began half a century of international Lutheran-Catholic dialogue that

Summer Seminar 2016: Fifty Years of Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue Mehr lesen »


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