ecumenical dialogue

On the Way to Fellowship

Auf dem Weg zur Gemeinschaft. 50 Jahre internationaler evangelisch-lutherisch/römisch-katholischer Dialog [„On the Way to Fellowship: 50 Years of International Evangelical Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue], eds. André Birmelé und Wolfgang Thönissen (Paderborn and Leipzig: Bonifatius and EVA, 2018), 423 pp. In April 2018 (finally!) this volume appeared which contains the contributions to the 2016 Summer Seminar hosted by the Institute. […]

On the Way to Fellowship Mehr lesen »

Conference in Thessaloniki: 500 Years of Reformation

An important international conference on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation took place in March of this year at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. It was organized in cooperation with the universities in Strasbourg and Kiel, Germany, along with the Institute for Ecumenical Research. The festive opening lecture was given by André Birmelé.

Conference in Thessaloniki: 500 Years of Reformation Mehr lesen »


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